Wholeheartedly caring & unapologetically honest…

“It is the strangest feeling to be happy and full and sensing all your words with tears in my eyes at the same time. Your emails are fantastic. You are just hitting those hard to talk about topics! With love and appreciation!“

- Linda Horwitz

"I feel so SEEN by Nat’s words and understanding about the difficulty in parenting journeys. I appreciate her honesty, humility, openness, validation, and compassion. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for modeling the authenticity and decolonization!"

- Wei-Chiung Chen-Martinez

“I love it! It's nourishing for my soul and heart. I look forward to more. Thank you for the work and energy you're putting in.“

- Michelle Tran

“Oh Nat - thank you for inspiring me today!! As usual, landed in the right spot in my heart with a satisfying THUMP”

- Christine Wulbecker

My wholehearted goal is to be a ray of sunshine in your inbox and send you information and inspiration 1 time (or 2 max) every other week about:

  • Decolonized parenting.

  • Embodied, body-based centering practices for you and your children.

  • Inner child woud & Intergenerational family healing.

  • Inclusive infant and toddler development.

  • Concrete, caring, and creative resources including free guides and free mini-classes.

  • Social justice advocacy & liberation practices.

  • Announcements about courses and community offerings.

  • Hopeful and heartful reflections on what I’ve learned from the children and families I’m serving (This one is my favorite).

Your privacy is important to me. Your email address and information will never be sold and shared to anyone. Whenever you need to unsubscribe, please click "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the newsletter. I only hope that our engagements and communications are supportive and enriching for you.